nanobot567's website | blog | 8/15/23

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AOS-GUI is coming along nicely! I'm pretty proud of my changes to the shell so far, and I'm really excited to publish the new version! Unfortunately school has started back up again, and the workload is already annoying.

Thankfully, I'm working on a couple of ways to increase my productivity (non-school wise) on school laptops. USB booting has been patched, so sadly that is a no-go :(. I have 16 GB of free storage to work with though, so there should be plenty of space.

Current ideas:

So there are plenty of backup plans in case something goes wrong or one of these methods get patched. I'm also constantly looking for other ways to make school more livable and the laptops less annoying to work with, so maybe I'll discover the Holy Grail of workarounds sometime soon!!