Today I made ChatGPT write this blog post! I had to give it a ton of detail but it’s surprising how accurate it is when you describe exactly what you want it to do. I plan to use it to make my blog posts from now on because it's just plain awesome :D
For those of you who are interested, here’s the prompt that I gave it:
<DOCTYPE !HTML> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css"> <title> nanobot567's website | blog | (date) </title> </head> <body > <h4 class = "backbtn"><a href="../blog.html"><-- back</a></h4> <h1 class = "title">nanobot567's website<span class="blink">_</span> </h1> <h2>blog</h2> <h3><u>(date)</u></h3> <h4> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eligendi natus ipsa, voluptatum praesentium repudiandae dicta autem, maxime reiciendis veritatis fugiat cum et perferendis inventore nostrum, pariatur sint totam laboriosam. Consectetur. </h4> </body> </html> </DOCTYPE> —- This is a template for my blog website. I would like you to replace the text (date) with the date I put in parentheses at the beginning of my prompt. Remove these parenthesis in the final product. Everything after this should replace the Lorem ipsum text, but there are a few extra rules for this text: 1. If the text has asterisks around it, then put it within a span tag with a class of rainbow. 2. If the text has underscores around it, then put it within a span tag with a class of fastblink 3. If the text has hashtags around it, then put it within a span tag with a class of redacted 4. If there are multiple of these modifiers then combine the class names called within the span tag. Exclude any others that are not called. Finally, I would like you to write all of this in a code block, not the tag, a code block that you use. My first prompt is: (4/23/23) Hello! I had a *crazy* day. Here is some example text. _blah_ #blah# #_*woah!*_#