Today I started working a custom Launcher.pdx for the Playdate console, which I named SLINGSHOT! I'm adding all of the features that people really want right now, including app searching, sorting, and editing. I do feel kind of bad though, there was another person working on a launcher but I just kind of ruined that by making my own...
Creating slingshot was a good idea, not only because having a custom launcher is awesome, but also because it gave me an excuse to jailbreak my playdate so I could test it on-device! I did this using Crank2Unlock, an app that shows your playdate unlock code. Apparently, through the serial interface, you can access a million commands hidden from the user until you use that code to reveal them, such as sysdisk
(share the system partition of your playdate's disk) and lcdtest
(shows a cool stripes pattern on the playdate).