Today I created the blog thing for my website. I'll probably never update it but that's fine because nobody cares :D
The other day I figured out that you can USB boot on laptops! I then created a document so other people can USB boot linux and Windows To Go! I'm hoping that this news spreads so that everyone can be free from restrictions! Free from being spied on by school admins! And free from the crappiness of Windows 10 on hardware that can't handle it! (this whole thing is now patched, sorry!)
Speaking of school, I really do think that people should do something about the school system. I'm all for learning stuff, as long as it's something we'll actually use later on, something we find interesting, or something that's absolutely essential to learn. Classes I think are "essential" are math, wellness, and physical education. These should be the only classes that we have to take during high school, because nobody NEEDS english after 7th grade. After that point, english is just vocabulary and over-analyzing texts. Same with social studies, I get that we need to know the mistakes of the past and stuff like that, but like I said earlier this should only be taught until 8th grade, because nobody truly needs it unless they're majoring/minoring in SS or plan to be a government representative. Also, shouldn't we have less homework? It's hard enough to go through 8 hours of being in school, 5 days a week, why do we need another hour or two added on just because we need to "review"? I do think it's helpful, but it should be given out a lot less, because most of the time it's a hassle to keep up with and complete.
Sorry, that was a massive rant. If I go off like that there will usually be a tldr below if you wanted to know what I was ranting about (although I don't know why you'd do that).
tldr; the school system needs to change so we can pick and choose what we want to learn after 7th grade, with the exceptions of math, wellness, and social studies. also, homework needs to be given out less frequently.
I really shouldn't have been, but I was inspired by the documentation within TempleOS to make a blog, simply because I'd like to rant about stuff my friends won't listen to me about. [LAUGH]
I also just like TempleOS as an operating system. I love that it's ring-0, minimal, and that it's like a modern day c64! It's a weirdo like me's paradise.